• Once the race passes Curling Dr. BPD will help control egress from the immediate neighborhoods above Curling Dr. with a ACSO motor leading out the front of the riders.

  • Once the riders get to Corrals Trailhead the Lead ACSO moto (Lead 1) will pull to the left at the Corrals Trailhead. ACSO second moto (Lead 2) after helping to control intersections, will take position next to ACSO Auto 2 (Auto 2) in the downhill Lane. Pilot car will take position behind Lead 2 and EOC will take position behind Auto 2.

  • EOC Reader board will show: “Do Not Pass - Follow Pilot Car When Directed”

  • Auto 2 and EOC will follow behind the last rider no closer than 30 meters, but no further than 60 meters. 

  • As the EOC approaches Corrals, Lead 1 will take up position in from of Lead 2 in the downhill lane. At around the MIller’s Gulch Trailhead, or approximately 8:20 am, Lead 1 will move forward in the downhill lane to approximately 1 to 1.2 kilometers (.8 miles) in front of Lead 2 with the express purpose of sweeping the road in case there is any downhill traffic.

  • Downhill traffic will be directed to the nearest pull-out and then to wait. 

  • Lead will then move ahead of the Pilot car by about 100 meters (100 yards) and catch traffic again. 

  • At this point, the pilot car will lead up civilian and non-associated race vehicles to clear out any traffic gathered behind EOC. The pilot car will lead these vehicles uphill in the downhill lane. We anticipate between 30 and 40 vehicles headed up with the pilot car. 

  • Civilian cars are allowed to pull into trailhead parking.

  • Estimated time to clear the houses on Bogus Basin Road is 8:50 am
    Once the last civilian car has cleared each trailhead, house, and driveway, the road is open To DownHill Traffic below that point with no restrictions. 

  • Once the pilot car and civilian car caravan reach the parking lot at Bogus Basin Ski Area Auto 1 directs traffic to allow for the cyclists to travel into and ultimately through the parking lot safely.  Once the last civilian car has reached the lot, Auto 1 may then proceed down the mountain as well as Lead 1 and Lead 2 at intervals. They are released once they pass Auto 2 and EOC. 

  • After the Pilot car departs. Traffic after this point will be collected behind Auto 2 and EOC with the reader on the back of EOC reading “Do Not Pass - Temporary Delays”. Auto 2 and EOC will continue uphill at the pace of the last rider on the road. 

  • After about 20 mins Auto 2 and EOC will pull over into a pull-out and enact a metering system to allow vehicles up the mountain. The metering system will allow 2-4 cars to proceed uphill spaced out in 2-3 minute increments. This should allow more even spacing across the road. 

  • The reader board on EOC at this point will be changed to “Bicycles on Road - Please Drive Carefully”

  • Sometime Between 9:15 and 9:30 am metering will end and the road will be open uphill with no restrictions.

  • ACSO personnel are released upon command and ACSO supervisor approval. 


The participants will roll out of Greenwoods Ski Haus 2400 Bogus Basin Rd at approximately 7:50 am and will ride at parade pace up the first rise of Bogus Basin Rd. Once this rise has crestped, participants will pick up speed and roll without stopping through the stop sign at Curling Dr. at approximately 8 am. Curling Dr. is the starting point of the timed segment. All other traffic is stopped at Curling. 

The law enforcement vehicles supporting the ride are as follows:

  • Three (3) Boise PD Motorcycles 

  • Two (2) Ada County Sheriff’s Office Motorcycles (Lead 1 and Lead 2)

  • Two (2) Ada County Autos Auto 1 and Auto 2

  • One (1) Ada County Supervisor

Event Vehicles:

  • One Pilot Car (Pilot)

  • One Pickup truck with reader board (End of Caravan / EOC)